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SPF Compliance


Clinical studies show that a sunscreen with SPF30, when applied correctly, prevents up to 97% of sun damage. However, with current formulations, consumers need to apply an unrealistic amount of product to achieve this level of protection. Furthermore, studies have shown that an average consumer applies an SPF product hours after waking therefore exposing their skin to “incidental UV exposure”.

Scientists have defined this consumer habit “incidental UV exposure” and demonstrated that it can contribute up to 50% of sun damage during a lifetime. Ideally consumers should apply an SPF product as soon as they wake up to minimize UV exposure and prevent sun damage.

Clinical studies have shown that a sunscreen with SPF 30, when applied correctly, prevents up to 97% of sun damage. Sunscreens with SPF over 30 offer only minimal benefits. The SPF is determined by the degree of sun protection given by a specific formulation applied at 2.0 mg/cm².

American Academy of Dermatology’s studies show that the average consumer will apply only 0.5 to 1.0 mg/cm², effectively reducing an SPF 30 to 10 or less. This routine combined with incidental UV exposure explain why consumers are still showing signs of premature ageing despite the use of a daily sunscreen. .

“My solution is to use ground-breaking technology that combines SPFs with both a daily cleanser and a daily moisturizer formulation, delivering the level of sun protection needed -

I have developed a breakthrough daily skincare regime to reduce incidental UV exposure and increase SPF consumer compliance and effectively fighting the signs of ageing -

No more wrinkles, sagging skin, sun spots and large pores with a few simple steps -

At Dr Russo Sun Protective Skincare our message is simple. “Protect your skin from sun damage during the day and nourish it at night, is my simple skincare regime.”